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key industry是什么意思
发布时间:2021-01-22 作者: 英语查
key industry 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | 国家基本工业〔如钢铁、煤矿工业等〕。
| | | key: n. 礁,暗礁(=cay, quay)。 | | industry: n. 1.勤劳,勤奋,刻苦。 2.工业,产业,实业,事业 ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | Three is to concentrate on key industries and enterprises 三是突出抓好重点行业和企业。
| | 2. | The four key industries in the hong kong economy 香港经济四个主要行业
| | 3. | Japan ' s policy towards key industries after its accession to gatt 日本入关后的重点产业政策
| | 4. | 4 key industries see fall in exports value 服装制品出口货值跌近六成
| | 5. | The cultural industry has been one of the key industries in developed countries 文化产业已成为世界经济中的支柱产业之一。
| | 6. | It is necessary and feasible to develop cultural industry as one of the key industries in beijing 北京有必要也有可能将文化产业发展成为支柱产业之一。
| | 7. | Stay up to speed with one of hong kong s fastest - growing key industries by subscribing to hktb 要了解旅游业这个迅速发展的行业的最新资讯,请订阅旅发局电子通讯。
| | 8. | A number of circular economy pilot projects will be conducted in key industries , industrial zones , and urban and rural areas 在重点行业、产业园区、城市和农村实施一批循环经济试点。
| | 9. | A series of policies have been put forward to support and cultivate high - tech key industries at different aspects 我们出台了一系列政策,从不同的层面对高新技术重点产业给予扶持和培育。
| | 10. | Panel discussions on key industry business trends and opportunities , with ample opportunities for interactive q a during the sessions 关于业界主要趋势及商机的小组讨论,并设有互动答问环节。
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